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Digital accessibility guide

Explore how to create, design and structure your content to ensure that is is accessible.

About video accessibility

Video accessibility is important in ensuring everyone can access the content in an equitable way. This can involve using captions, a transcript, and audio descriptions, as well as using an accessible media player for playback.  

Tips for accessible videos:

  • Use supported video file formats that support closed captions and subtitles
  • Avoid compressing your media filesoptimising media compatibility or turning your presentation into a video – closed captions, subtitles or alternate audio tracks for video description are not preserved
  • Include captions with readable text overlay and an interactive transcript
  • Plan for audio description of visual information
  • Plan for live captioning, audio description and sign language availability for any live online events you host
  • Use an accessible media player where possible
  • Consider speaker visibility – some users use mouth movement or lip reading to understand spoken language, so ensure the speaker’s face is visible where possible
  • Avoid using media content that flashes more than three times in any one-second period.

Kaltura Media Player

City uses the new, improved and more accessible version of Kaltura Media Player. The player has features that improve the accessibility of video media by staff and students by giving more control over the pace of content consumption and customisation. 

Interactive Transcript

The player provides an interactive transcript feature that can be displayed or hidden. You can play the video and follow the transcript. The text is highlighted as the video plays. 

You can search for a specific word or term and select it in the interactive transcript to navigate straight to that location in the video. You can also download a text file of the transcript. 

Caption customisation

To improve the readability of captions on the videos, you can now increase the font and change the colour and background of the Kaltura captions. 

Control the playback

You can continue to change the playback speed of the video, and to move quickly or slow down at chosen parts of the content.  

Good practice when recording videos

  • Find a quiet space where you won't be interrupted during your filming.
  • Test how well-lit the area is on video, either by allowing natural light in the room or using available lighting you have.
  • Where possible, use a space where the background will not be too distracting for your audience.
  • Keep your workspace clutter-free and organised when filming. If you are using any objects during filming, keep them laid out and organised neatly.
  • Keep the camera at a comfortable distance from you and aligned at eye level.
  • For improved audio quality, we recommend you use a headset rather than PC/phone speakers. Headsets also help ensure the captioning of videos and transcripts are more accurate.
  • If conveying large amounts of complicated information, pause between sentences and adjust your speaking rhythm.
  • Finally, do a short recording test to double-check your setup and sound quality.


Further guidance

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