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Digital accessibility guide

Explore how to create, design and structure your content to ensure that is is accessible.

City's captioning approach

Video and audio content counts as “time-based media” under the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) Accessibility Regulations 2018 (PSBAR). City has a legal requirement and responsibility to do what we can to provide corrected captions for all such media.

Below is our approach for our educational platforms for the academic year 2024 to 2025: 

  • Provide a caption correction service to address reasonable adjustment needs. We will work with the Disability and Neurodiversity Support team to provide an integrated service for students who may require captioning as part of a reasonable adjustment.  
  • We will recommend correcting captions on pre-recorded media for learning e.g., screencast lectures. LEaD will provide a caption correction service which is accessed via the IT Self Service Portal
  • For recordings of all live teaching on campus and online, we aim to provide automated speech recognition (ASR) captions and transcripts, which are not human corrected. These are in place for Teams, Zoom, and Echo360 Lecture Capture.  
  • In August 2022, City completed a disproportionate burden assessment regarding correcting captions on all stored lecture recordings. Unique to the higher education context, there can be approximately 15,000 hours of recording per academic year.  
  • Captions on live meetings can be accessed in Teams and Zoom and their use is recommended. Echo360 Lecture Capture currently does not have this feature and we have raised this with the supplier.

Request caption correction

You can request caption correction for MediaSpace videos on the IT Self Service Portal.

You will need to provide the following information to help the team process your request.

  • Links to videos hosted on MediaSpace
  • Confirm your videos are set as Unlisted on Media Space
  • Note any important deadlines (please note that we cannot guarantee any dates of delivery)
  • If not currently hosted on MediaSpace, please add a note to the request form

Censorship and profanity in Automated Speech Recognition

Automated speech recognition can be inaccurate. Captions or transcripts of your recordings may contain words incorrectly transcribed as profanities e.g. swear words or inappropriate words. Alternatively, you might find that the captions or transcripts on your recordings are censoring words with a row of asterisks which means that students relying on captions are missing key information.

LEaD are gathering information on the impact of profanities and censorship in recordings. If you find any examples, please raise a ticket with us via the LEaD General Request Form on IT Self Service Portal. 

Please include as much information as possible, including system used - Lecture Capture, Teams, Zoom, links to the recordings on Moodle and timecodes.  

Captioning multimedia

Recorded multimedia generally falls into two categories:

  • pre-recorded media (eg: screencasts) 
  • recordings of live media (eg: online lecture recordings on Lecture Capture)

We recommend uploading all video and audio content to Kaltura MediaSpace (or MyMedia within Moodle) and then linking your resources to your modules. If you need further information on this, here is our guide to adding multimedia to Moodle. This will allow students to stream your media resources whilst also being able to view captions.

All media uploaded unto Kaltura mediaspace will have auto generated captions. As these captions are autogenerated, they may contain mistakes and will need reviewing. 

Pre-recorded media (e.g. screencasts)

Three steps to accessible pre-recorded media:

There is excellent guidance on making your pre-recorded audio and video media accessible on the W3 website.

Recordings of live media (e.g. online lecture recordings on Lecture Capture)

Three steps to accessible recordings of live media:


Lexdis (n.d.) ‘PSBAR Scope’ in Accessible Technology for Learning [online] Available from: (Accessed: 12.08.2020)

Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License