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Digital accessibility guide

Explore how to create, design and structure your content to ensure that is is accessible to your students.

Accessibility scores

An accessibility score indicator icon will display next to uploaded files giving an indication of how accessible it is:

a small red metre icon with the dial pointing a quarter of the wayLow (0-33%): The file is not accessible and needs immediate attention.

a small amber metre icon with the dial pointing half wayMedium (34-66%): The file is somewhat accessible and could use improvement.

a small light green metre icon with the dial pointing almost to the topHigh (67-99%): The file is accessible but could be improved.

a small light green metre icon with the dial pointing to the topPerfect (100%): The file is accessible. No improvement is needed.

Ally currently checks the following formats:

  • Image files (JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, TIFF)
  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • PDFs
  • WYSIWIG Moodle content such as Book, Lesson and Pages

Use Moodle's Ally interface to review and fix issues

  1. Select the accessibility indicator to the right of the file to open the feedback panel. The feedback panel opens in an overlay on the Moodle module.
    • The left panel displays the file with areas highlighted in red and numbered that need action to improve accessibility. The panel on the right contains guidance on how to improve the file.
  2. Open the original file on your computer/OneDrive.
    • If you don't have the original file you can select the download icon from the top of the feedback panel.
  3. Select the link to All issues from the panel on the right to review all issues and decide which one to work on first.
  4. Work through the guidance in the panel on the right to improve your file.
    • You can use the up and down arrow from the top of the left panel to move between related accessibility issues.
  5. Once your file has been updated, save it.
  6. Re-upload the file using the drop file/upload field in the panel on the right. This will update your score.
  7. Select the X on the top right to close the feedback panel and to return to your Moodle module.Ally feedback panel

Screencast: Review and fix accessibility issues with Ally

HTML content

 Ally provides an accessibility score above the text editor as you are writing content and will identify if you have missed a heading level. Select the score to identify the issue and then you can takes steps to remediate the content.

Ally accessibility score displaying 99% when editing a section summary page

Module accessibility report

The Accessibility report provides an accessibility summary for the entire module. It provides a systematic way to fix accessibility issues. 

  1. Select Reports from the contextual navigation menu above the module name.
  2. Select Accessibility report.

Reports menu opened. Accessibility report highlighted

A new window will open displaying the overall accessibility score for the module and an overview of content types on the module. To start remediating files the dashboard will arrange issues by how easy they are to fix, low scoring content or by the type of issue. Open the feedback panel to directly apply fixes or upload remediated files. Further information is available from the Course Accessibility Report | Anthology Help.

Disable alternative formats

You may wish to consider disabling the alternative format for a specific file if:

  • the alternative format(s) is known to be incorrect.
  • reviewing the content in a different format may reveal the answer to an activity that students are required to undertake while studying the content.
  1. Alternative format icon highlighted alongside fileSelect the alternative formats icon alongside the accessibility score indicator that appears next to the file resource. 
  2. Select the down arrow that appears on the Download alternative formats overlay window. Select Disable alternative formats for this file.

  3. Select the x icon on the top right of the overlay to return to the module page.
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 for any other files for which you want to disable alternative formats.

When students select the alternative format icon to download the content in a different format they will receive a message that The alternative formats for this file have been disabled.

Re-enable alternative formats for a file

You can re-enable alternative formats if required.

  1. Select the alternative formats icon alongside the file.
  2. An overlay will display. Select the Enable for this file button.

  3. The alternative formats will display. Select the x in the top right to close the overlay and return to the module page.
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 for each file where you want to re-enable alternative formats.
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