This guide will walk you through how to bulk download assignments and provide feedback via track changes on Word document and / or adding feedback to a coversheet. This option is useful providing feedback to large groups of students.
This option can be used when the Anonymous submissions setting has been enabled for the assignment. The student names on the downloaded assignments and in the Grading worksheet and are replaced by a Participant ID. you will have to take care to ensure you are adding the Grade for the correct student to to Grading worksheet by double checking the participant IDs between the downloaded assignment name and the Identifier column in the Grading worksheet.
You can review the screencast or follow the text directions below. The screencast is organised into chapters, so if you want to review part of the process you can use the hamburger menu on the left-hand side of the screencast to navigate to the relevant part of the recording.
This guidance is for assignments not using anonymous marking. Refer to the anonymous marking guidance for further information on how to effectively manage marking for assignments with anonymous marking enabled.
This screencast demonstrates how to manage and mark Moodle assignments with offline grading and feedback in Moodle 4.
You must hide the individual assignment grade item while you are marking to ensure that marks and feedback are released at the same time to all students. To do this:
Do not use Save As as you need to ensure that the file names remain unchanged from when they were downloaded from Moodle.
If you are working on an anonymous submission, the student names are removed and are replaced by a Participant ID. This participant ID will also be included in the file name of the downloaded assignment. You will have to take care to ensure you are adding the Grade for the correct student to to Grading worksheet by double checking the participant IDs.
The most common issue that lecturers experience when uploaded a zip file of feedback to Moodle is that the file will not upload. This happens if you zip the folder which contains the feedback files. You must open the folder on your computer that contains the feedback files and select all the files and create a zip file. This creates a zip file within the assignment feedback folder.
This makes the grades and feedback visible and generates an email to students to alert them to their released grade and feedback.
When an assignment is set up with anonymous marking, you must unhide the grade item and reveal student identities in order to release grades and feedback.
If the submission is a PDF, use Adobe Acrobat to annotate the PDF. Staff can access and install Adobe Acrobat via the Creative Cloud.