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Moodle Assignment feedback guide

Explore the different options for grading Moodle assignments.

Moodle Marking record

A Marking record is used to assess a student's work against a set of marking criterion. The criterion explain what is required of the student and a maximum mark that can be awarded for each criterion is provided.

Personalised feedback and grades are added for each criterion and 'frequently added comments' can also be added. Marking using a marking record is more detailed and less subjective than awarding a single grade. 

Students can view the Marking record before they submit their assignment, so that they know what their learning priorities are in relation to the assignment.

Hide grades and feedback for an assignment

Grader Report menu opened and Gradebook setup highlightedYou must hide the individual assignment grade item while you are marking to ensure that marks and feedback are released at the same time to all students. To do this:

  1. Select Grades in the contextual navigation menu above the module name. The Grader report page opens
  2. Open the drop-down menu on the left of the page and choose Gradebook setup.
  1. Select the Edit link on the same row as the name of the grade item you are marking.
  2. Select Hide.

Edit settings opened for Test assignment and Hide highlighted

Access Submissions page

  1. Open the assignment from the module page. This opens the Grading summary page.
  2. If you are responsible for marking a specific group of students, select the relevant group from the groups drop-down menu. This will ensure that you are marking the relevant work.

  3. Select the View all submissions button to view the Submissions page.
  4. If you cannot see all the submissions you expect, check to see whether a filter has been applied. Filters can follow you from one module to another, and if another user has added a filter, it may still be in place. Remove the filters to see all submissions.
  • Alphabetic filter. Select All for both the First Name and Surname to clear

The first name surname filter

  • Options. Open the Filter drop-down menu, select No filter to clear any existing filter.

Access student submission

  1. After the assignment deadline, select the Grade button for the student you want to grade.
  2. The grading page for the student will open.
  3. Confirm that the assignment grades and feedback are hidden prior to beginning marking.
    • The grading page should display a message: This grade and feedback (if present) is hidden in the Grader Report and is not available to the student. 
    • It this message does not display, go to Gradebook setup (by selecting Grades on the contextual navigation menu, open the Grader Report drop-down menu, select Gradebook setup) and select Edit opposite the assignment name. Hide the assignment grade item.

For assignments where the Anonymous submissions has been enabled, a unique Participant ID will be generated by Moodle to replace the student name.

Participant 444 displaying in place of student name


Grade with Marking record

In the Grade section, each of the criterion for the marking record will be displayed.

  1. If both marker and student criterion were added when the assignment was set up, choose whether to show or hide each set of criterion while grading by selecting the appropriate radio button next to Show/Hide for each set.
  2. For each criterion, add feedback into the feedback input field.
  3. Each criterion is graded out of the score displayed alongside the score input field. Add a score for each criterion into the score input field. The Marking record calculates the overall grade based on grades input.
  4. If frequently used comments were added when the marking record was set up, they will be displayed under the criterion. To add a frequently used comment to the feedback, select the relevant feedback input field and then select the required comment in the frequently used comments list. The comment will be added to the feedback input field.
  5. Do not uncheck the Notify students box. Your feedback and grade is hidden as you selected to hide the Grade item at the start of this process.
  6. Select Save changes or Save changes and show next to move to the next student.

Upload feedback file and add general comments

You can use the Feedback comments input field to provide general feedback and upload an external feedback file. 

  1. Type any overall feedback for the student's submission into the Feedback comments input field.
  2. To upload an external feedback file select the file icon under Feedback files and select your file to upload, or drag and drop your feedback into the feedback area.
  3. Select Save and show next to move onto the next student to upload feedback and add grade in Moodle.
  4. Do not uncheck the Notify students box. Your feedback and grade is hidden as you selected to hide the Grade item at the start of this process.

Audio and video feedback

You can also provide up to 2 minutes of multimedia feedback by selecting the microphone icon or the camera icon from the text editor toolbar on the Feedback comments field. These files do not produce captions so you will need to provide written feedback for students to ensure that the feedback is accessible to all students. Students are not able to download multimedia feedback provided via the text editor in the Feedback comments input field.

Tips to prepare audio feedback

  • Focus on the quality of the feedback as opposed to the quality of the recording. Don’t feel like you have to correct small speaking errors by re-recording. You can correct these as you would do in conversation. Do avoid poor quality audio as this can deter from the quality of your feedback.
  • Structure your feedback. Prepare a draft of the key points you would live to cover before you record.
  • Try to stay positive. Even when providing developmental feedback try to end on a positive note.
  • Speak clearly.
  • Make explicit how the feedback can contribute to the student's development.

Navigate between student submissions

There are two ways to navigate between student assignments submissions within the grading page of the assignment.

  1. You can use the Save and show next to move button at the end of the grading screen to save your feedback and move onto to the next student submission.
  2. You can use the change user menu at the top-right of the grading page to move to the previous and next student or open the menu to select and navigate to the assignment and grading page for a specific student.

    Change user menu opened displaying all students

Release grades and feedback for assignment

  1. Select Grades in the contextual navigation menu above the.
  2. Select the Grader Report drop-down menu and choose Gradebook setup.
  3. Select the Edit link on the same row as the name of the grade item you are marking.
  4. Select Show.

This makes the grades and feedback visible and generates an email to students to alert them to their released grade and feedback.

Release grades and feedback (Anonymous submissions)

When an assignment is set up with anonymous marking, you must unhide the grade item and reveal student identities in order to release grades and feedback.

  1. Select Grades in the contextual navigation menu above the module name.
  2. Select the Grader Report drop-down menu and choose Gradebook setup.
  3. Select the Edit link on the same row as the name of the grade item you are marking.
  4. Select Show.

  5. Select the link to the assignment to open it.
  6. Select View all submissions.
  7. From the Grading action menu on the top left of the page, select Reveal student identities. This will populate the Grades into the Grader Reportgrading action menu opened and confirmation screen displaying and generate an email to students that grades and feedback have been released. Do not reveal identities until the grading is ready to be revealed to students as this option cannot be re-enabled. You will see a warning about this and will be asked to confirm you want to proceed.

Student view of Marking record feedback

When you release feedback and grades to students for an assignment marked with a Marking record, each student will be able to access their feedback and grades via the link to Grader Report in the Module Dashboard. Each student will be able to view.

  • Their total grade for the assignment.
  • Any general feedback entered.
  • Any feedback files added.
  • Feedback against the fields in the marking record. If the student selects the assignment they can view the scores for each of the Marking record criterion.

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