A Marking record is used to assess a student's work against a set of marking criterion. The criterion explain what is required of the student and a maximum mark that can be awarded for each criterion is provided.
Personalised feedback and grades are added for each criterion and 'frequently added comments' can also be added. Marking using a marking record is more detailed and less subjective than awarding a single grade.
Students can view the Marking record before they submit their assignment, so that they know what their learning priorities are in relation to the assignment.
You must hide the individual assignment grade item while you are marking to ensure that marks and feedback are released at the same time to all students. To do this:
For assignments where the Anonymous submissions has been enabled, a unique Participant ID will be generated by Moodle to replace the student name.
In the Grade section, each of the criterion for the marking record will be displayed.
You can use the Feedback comments input field to provide general feedback and upload an external feedback file.
You can also provide up to 2 minutes of multimedia feedback by selecting the microphone icon or the camera icon from the text editor toolbar on the Feedback comments field. These files do not produce captions so you will need to provide written feedback for students to ensure that the feedback is accessible to all students. Students are not able to download multimedia feedback provided via the text editor in the Feedback comments input field.
There are two ways to navigate between student assignments submissions within the grading page of the assignment.
This makes the grades and feedback visible and generates an email to students to alert them to their released grade and feedback.
When an assignment is set up with anonymous marking, you must unhide the grade item and reveal student identities in order to release grades and feedback.
When you release feedback and grades to students for an assignment marked with a Marking record, each student will be able to access their feedback and grades via the link to Grader Report in the Module Dashboard. Each student will be able to view.