There are different scenarios where you might want to reuse or share your H5P content packages. Depending on the scenario, you may follow one of these routes:
- Reuse content package within the same module – the same H5P content package can be linked to multiple H5P activities. Tracking will be recorded separately for each activity.
- Reuse content package in another module – there is no mechanism in Moodle which facilitates sharing of H5P content package across modules. You will need to download the content package and upload it as a new content in the other module.
- Copy content package for adaptation within the same module – there is the Copy and Paste and replace buttons within each content package which allow you to copy the settings and paste to another package. However, this feature was found to be unreliable.. It is recommended that you download the content package and upload it as a new content.
- Share content with colleagues within the same module - By default, all H5P content packages you created in the content bank are Public, and available for colleagues on your module to use or download. Your colleagues cannot edit your H5P content package.
- Share content with colleagues or external users - You can download the content package as a .h5p file and share it with others.