The Interactive Video content type allows users to make their videos more engaging by adding interactivity to them. These may include multiple choice, pop-up text explanations, extra pictures and fill in the blank questions and other types of interactions.
Quiz questions support adaptivity, meaning that you can jump to another part of the video based on the user's input. Interactive summaries can also be added at the end of the video.
Learn how to create Interactive Video in this tutorial.
The following H5P content types may be added to your video:
All question types can be configured to perform adaptive behavior, meaning that a correct answer could cause the user to skip to a specified place in the video while an incorrect answer could take the user somewhere else in the video. Typically, submitting a wrong answer will cause the user to be directed to the place in the video where the answer to the question is presented.
You may also add bookmarks so that your users can skip to specified sections of the video on demand.