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Create content - H5P

Create engaging and interactive content using H5P in Moodle.

H5P grading and tracking

All H5P activities allow for unlimited attempts by students. However, only certain activity types provide grading and student attempt track records. They are:

  1. Drag and Drop
  2. Drag the Words
  3. Fill in the Blanks
  4. Multiple Choice
  5. Question Set
  6. Single Choice Set
  7. True/False Question

H5P for assessment

Grading - Grader report

When you create an H5P activity, it defaults to a maximum grade of 10. As H5P activities may appear in the Grader report for students, we recommend you set up a formative assessment category and set the total for this category to 0.  This is so the grades for these activities do not contribute to the Module total.

Tracking - Attempts report

Some H5P content types will record student attempts and answers when released as an activity or as embedded content. This includes Date, Score and Attempts information. Some H5P content types don't provide attempt tracking data. In such cases, the Grade and Attempt options on the activity settings page will have no effect.


To view student attempts, open the H5P activity and access the Attempts report from the contextual navigation menu.

Attempts report button


The Attempts report will open.

Attempt report overview showing 100% for Student Three


Select the link to View users attempts [n] to view the detailed attempt history for a particular student.

Attempt report for Student three


Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License