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Create Quiz guide

Overview of how to create a Moodle Quiz and how to add your questions to the Quiz.

Insert page breaks

  1. Select Quiz.
  2. Select Questions from the contextual navigation menu. Page breaks icon in question bank
  3. Select the question break icon (double arrow) to the left of a question to insert a page break between questions.


You can also repaginate your Quiz, changing the amount of questions per page.

  1. Select Quiz.Repaginate question option
  2. Select Questions from the contextual navigation menu.
  3. Select the Repaginate button.
  4. A pop-up window will display. Select how many questions should display per page and select Go.


Section headings

Section headings display within the Quiz navigation block when students are taking a Quiz. Section headings can be added to each new page in the Quiz.

  1. Select Quiz.
  2. Select Questions.
  3. For Page 1 of the Quiz, select the edit (pencil icon) at the top of the page and add your heading. Select Enter on your keyboard to save the heading.

    Use the red pencil to edit the first quiz section heading

  4. For subsequent pages, select the Add link to the right of the quiz page to open the menu. Choose a new section heading.

    Add a new section heading after the first one by selecting from the right-hand add menu

  5. A heading titled New Heading will display above the page. Select the edit (pencil icon) to edit the heading. Select Enter on your keyboard to save the heading. 

A new heading section has been created, edit with the pencil​​​​​​​

Randomise order of questions in Quiz

You can randomise the order of questions within a Quiz.

  1. Select Quiz.Select the check box to shuffle the questions in the quiz.
  2. Select Questions from the contextual navigation menu.
  3. Check the Shuffle box at the top of the Quiz.

Change the maximum grade for the Quiz

You can change the maximum grade for the Quiz.

  1. Select Quiz.
  2. Select Questions from the contextual navigation menu.Maximum grade displaying as 10
  3. Change the number in the Maximum grade box at the top right at the top of the quiz questions. 
  4. Select Save. The Quiz activity will do any maths in terms of the points awarded per question.
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