Moodle has a wide variety of question types. In addition, the University has added a number of third-party question types. The link below provides an overview of the standard question types and the subpages provide guidance on how to create the third-party question types installed on Moodle.
Different copyright rules apply for different resources based on the type of resource it is. Below shows 3 different resource types and the copyright rules for them.
It depends where the image originated and what terms apply to the source, for example, if taken from a website the copyright or terms and conditions section of the site in question may indicate what may and may not be done with its content.
If no terms are indicated then there wouldn’t be an allowance to re-use except for one of the following purposes:
For examination purposes (including assessed coursework), there is no limit to the amount which may be used.
For purposes of criticism and review (rather than for illustrative purposes), material may be used roughly to these limits:
Any scanning (of an image or text) must be done via the library digitisation team.
The library provides guidance on reusing resources within the copyright regulations.