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Grade Essay questions
- Select the Quiz.
- Select Results from the contextual navigation menu. Then select Manual grading from the drop-down menu in the top left of the screen.
- Select a question to grade from the To grade column.
- All the essays submitted by students will display. Work through these in order.
- Provide feedback in the Comment field. Provide a grade in the Mark field.
- Select Save and go to next page to save feedback and grades and move onto the second page of responses.
- Select Back to the list of questions to return to the Quiz manual grading screen.
Override graded questions
- Select the Quiz.
- Select Results from the contextual navigation menu, then select Manual grading from the drop-down menu.
- If you do not have Essay questions in your Quiz, you will need to select the link Also show questions that have been graded automatically.
- Select update grades from the Automatically graded column alongside the question for which you want to override marks.
- You can change how the students display using the options available from Order attempts and select Change options.
- Provide feedback in the Comment field and update the grade in the Mark field for each student.
- Scroll to the bottom of the screen and select Save and go to next page to save your marking and to move onto the next set of responses for that question.
- Select Back to the list of questions at the top of the responses screen to return to the Quiz manual grading screen.
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