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Poll Everywhere staff guide

Engage with your class in real time with online polls and quizzes.

Organise your activities

When you create activities, they are saved in My activities. You can organise them into folders and subfolders.

Create a folder.

  1. Log into your Poll Everywhere account.
  2. Go to Activities > My activities.
  3. Select the +Folder icon.
  4. Give your folder a name and select Create folder.
  5. Move existing activities into your folder by selecting the check box next to them and then Move.
  6. Create a subfolder by selecting an existing folder and selecting Create folder.

Share your activities

You can share polls and activities through the Poll Everywhere teams function. When users are added to a Poll Everywhere team, all the users in that team can share activities with other member of the team, and present any shared activities independently. Users may be in any number of teams at once. Users may see, present, and run reports on activities that have been shared with their team.

Create a Poll Everywhere team

Raise a generic service request via the IT Self Service Portal. In the Service Request, please give:

  • The name of the team you would like to be created.
  • A list of the staff names and email addresses of the people you would like in the team in the form (forename, surname, email address). Please note: they must have a Poll Everywhere account to be added to the team.

Share activities

  • Put your activities into a folder.
  • Select the three dots next to the folder.
  • Select Share.
  • Select the team or teams you want to share with.
  • Select Save.

Access shared activities

All activities shared with your team are available on the Shared With Me page.

Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License