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Zoom staff guide

Zoom is one of the University's Virtual Classrooms. This guide will help you to activate your Zoom account and get your Zoom live sessions set up for teaching.

About Zoom

Zoom is one of the Virtual Classroom solutions available at the University. You can use Zoom to run live online lecturers, seminars and tutorials. 

  • Staff users must use their Zoom account to facilitate and participate in Zoom meetings.
  • You can have 300 participants in a Zoom meeting (including the host).
  • To use Zoom effectively we recommend you and your participants use a headset rather than PC speakers.
  • External users need a Zoom account in order to participate in a meeting. If you are hosting a meeting with externals, it may be easier to use Teams so that you are not requiring external users to sign up for Zoom.

First time using Zoom: Activate your account

  • Go to the Zoom Portal.
  • Select Sign in.
  • You will be directed to the login page.
  • Enter your university credentials and select Sign in.
  • After sign in you will be directed back to the Zoom portal.
  • Install the Zoom workplace client. 
    • If you are using Zoom on a university device (i.e. laptop or desktop), subsequent updates to the Zoom client are managed centrally by IT.
  • If you have any problems in installing the Zoom meeting client or in activating your Zoom account, please log an incident on the IT Self Service Portal.

Personalise your profile

You can personalise your Zoom profile with a photo that displays when you don't have your webcam enabled and by adding your preferred pronouns.

Screencast: Add a profile picture to Zoom

Add your preferred pronouns

  1. Login to the Zoom portal
  2. Select Profile from the left-hand menu.
  3. Select Edit to edit your profile.
  4. Add your preferred pronouns to the Pronouns field. 
  5. Select your preferred option from the Share in a meeting/webinar drop-down menu. You can select to Always Share or to prompt Zoom to ask you each time you attend a meeting if your pronouns should be shared.
  6. Scroll to the end of the page and select Save.

Pronouns in Zoom

Zoom engagement features

With Zoom, you can present your expert content to students and use the communication and engagement tools to check on student progress and provide opportunities for students to apply and review their learning.

You can extend the Zoom feature set through the use of Poll Everywhere for open-ended poll questions and Office 365 to encourage collaboration and project work during breakout room activities.

Feature Functionality
Audio Small group discussion, progress check, ask for clarification.
Chat Help students to get to  to know each other. Students can ask for clarification and provide feedback to each other and the lecturer.
Polls & Poll Everywhere Check in points & progress check.
Whiteboard and annotation Problem solving & collaboration.
Breakout rooms Small group discussions & collaboration.
Participant screen share Collaboration and remote support.
Reactions (non verbal feedback) Gather quick feedback. Check ins.
Office365 Collaboration.
Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License