A user can only have two Zoom meetings active at the same time. You may have a requirement for more concurrent meetings for teaching, learning and assessment. This guide provides information on what to do before you start scheduling your meetings and what options are available for scheduling more than two concurrent meetings.
Get a group of staff together to schedule. Each scheduler can schedule two Zoom meetings. Each meeting should have a different alternative host. The alternative host must be an @city.ac.uk user. Either the scheduler or the alternative host can start the meeting. If the scheduler starts the meeting, they can assign their hosting privileges to the relevant user once they join the meeting. The scheduler can then leave the meeting.
The Zoom settings that are applied to these meetings will be taken from each individual scheduler’s settings. Ensure that the scheduler updates the Zoom and meeting settings as required for the concurrent meetings.
The cloud recording and attendance list will be stored in the Zoom portal of the schedulers.
Ask each host to schedule their own meeting.
The Zoom settings that are applied to this meeting will be taken from the hosts settings. Ensure that the host updates the Zoom and meeting settings as required for the concurrent meetings.
The cloud recording and attendance list will be stored in the Zoom portal of the hosts.