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Gradebook guide

Explore the Gradebook where Moodle stores and organises students' grades.

Calculate grades FAQ

The calculation of the Module total is controlled by the aggregation method applied in the Gradebook.

  1. Select Grades from the contextual navigation menu.
  2. Open the drop-down menu on the left of the page, select Gradebook setup.
  3. Select Edit on the top category and then select Edit settings.

Gradebook setup opened

The Aggregation drop-down menu on the settings page lets you choose the aggregation strategy that will be used to calculate each participant's overall grade for a grade category.

  1. Select Grades from the contextual navigation menu.
  2. Under Setup from the dropdown menu select Gradebook setup.
  3. Select Edit and choose Edit settings next to the category heading. If you are updating the Course total, then select the top category (by default, it is named after the module).
  4. Under Aggregation setting, select Weighted mean of grades from the drop-down menu.
  5. Select Save changes.
  6. To assign weighting to each grade item, enter the percentage weight under the Weights column in relation to the grade item. Then select Save changes.
    • Note: Default is 1.0 (=100%).

Gradebook setup opened and Weights column highlighted

If your module has both formative and summative assessments, or breakdown of marks for a single assessment, you may want to Add category to aggregate a sub-total before calculating the Module total.

  1. Select Grades from the contextual navigation menu.
  2. Under Setup from the dropdown menu select Gradebook setup.
  3. Select Add category button from the top of the page.
  4. Add a meaningful name to the sub-total category.
  5. Under Aggregation setting, select the appropriate aggregation method from the drop-down menu.
  6. Select Save changes.
  7. On the Gradebook setup page, move the assessment items which you want to include in the sub-total calculation. To do this, tick the checkbox to the right of the grade item(s) or category(s) which you want to move.
  8. Scroll to the bottom of the page, under the Move selected items to drop-down, select the sub-total category which you have just created.

Mark in Grader Report FAQ

Grades and feedback can be entered manually on the Grader report page and is used in the following scenarios:

  1. Lecturers need to provide grades and feedback for offline assessment
  2. To overwrite Imported grades/feedback for individual student(s)
  3. To overwrite grades/feedback provided via the assessment activity for individual student(s).
    • Updating the grade in the Grader report in this scenario will not update the original grade provided in the assessment activity. Students will see two different grades for the same assessment. The grade in the Grader report should always be the final grade.

When a student grade is manually updated in the Grader report, it will be highlighted in orange.

To view the Grade history of any specific student, open the drop-down menu on the left of the page select Grade history. The Grade history report allows lecturers to view the name of the grader and history of the revised grades for the student.

If you need to update grades from the assessment activity you can unlock the grade item by following the steps below:

  • Select Grades from the contextual navigation menu.
  • Turn Edit mode on.
  • Locate the relevant assessment and select the cog icon in the row directly below the assessment activity. This opens up the Grade item settings.

Cog icon highlighted for Essay 1 assignment

  • Within the Grade item settings  you will see a box labelled Locked. Untick this box and you will then be able to edit marks and feedback from within the assessment activity.

Locked checkbox highlighted in Grade item settings

  1. Select Grades from the contextual navigation menu.
  2. Open the drop-down menu on the left of the page, select Gradebook setup.
  3. Select Edit and choose Edit settings next to the category heading. If you are updating the Module total, then select the top category (by default, it is named after the module).
  4. Under Aggregation setting, select Weighted mean of grades from the drop-down menu.
  5. Select Save changes.
  6. To assign weighting to each grade item, enter the percentage weight under the Weights column in relation to the grade item. Then select Save changes.
    • Note: Default is 1.0 (=100%).

Gradebook setup opened and Weights column highlighted

There are two possibilities that could cause this to happen:

  1. You didn't save the update:
    • You can check this using the Logs.
    • Select Reports from the contextual navigation menu.
    • Select Logs.
    • Select your name under All participants and select get these logs User graded if you have updated the grade of a student (name under Affected user) in the Grader Report.
  2. Another staff member has updated the grade after you:
    • To view the grade history of any specific student, select Grades from the contextual navigation menu.
    • Open the drop-down menu on the left of the page select Grade history.
    • The Grade history report allows lecturers to view the name of the grader and history of the revised grades for the student.

Grade administration FAQ

Unfortunately not. There is no group filter in the Export option on Gradebook.

The Column view options on the Grader report page allow you to toggle between the following 3 views. Select the icon to the right of the module name within the Grader report table and switch to Grades only or Full view to reveal the assessment columns.

  • Plus Icon: Grades only—all the grade columns, no category totals column.
  • Dash Icon: Aggregates only—no grade columns, only category totals column.
  • Rounded Box: Full view—all the grade columns and the category totals column.

When you select None in Override column and select Save this action will remove all the existing overrides on grades without any warning. There can be two outcomes for two different types of grade entries:

  • In cases where grades are entered via assignment inbox and then changed manually in grader report the grade will revert back to the original grade for this assignment
  • When a student grade is manually updated in the Grader report, it will be will be removed and entry will appear as not graded.

All the removed grades can be retrieved from the Grade history and need to be re-enter manually. The grade history report allows lecturers to view history of the revised grades for the student. To view the Grade history of any specific student, select View >> Grade history. The missing grades can be found in an Original Grades column:

Original grade column highlighted

Grade visibility FAQ

 There are few possible reasons for that. Try the following:

  • Verify what student can see
    • The gradebook User report allows you to select one or all users and see the student view of their individual grades, If you know which student has problem viewing feedback, check to see which gradebook item(s) or category is hidden from the student. To do this, selects grades in the contextual navigation menu, from the dropdown list, under View, select User report. The select a user drop-down list is on the top left corner of the page.
  • Check the eye(s)
    • When grades and feedback is released to students, you should see the eye icon open on the View >> Grader report page. If only one or a few students in the class cannot see their grade, please check that all the eyes are open. NB you must have the editing turned on to view the eye icons.

Eye icon highlighted alongside grades

  • Check the visibility of the assessment activity
    • Visibility of grades in the grader report is associated with the visibility of the assessment activity itself. Depending on the type of assessment and the stage of the assessment process where you are at, visibility of grades in the grader report behaves differently. The table below provides a brief overview. In some cases, you need to change the settings in the assessment activity in order to make the grades visible in the grader report.
Assessment type Activity hidden Activity visible and before deadline Activity visible and after deadline
Moodle Assignment (no workflow) Hidden Grade visible Grade visible
Moodle Assignment (use of workflow) Hidden Grade visible when workflow status set to 'released' Grade visible when workflow status set to 'released'
Turnitin Hidden Grade not available Grade not available until after Post Date
Quiz Hidden Control by 'Review Options' in Quiz settings Control by 'Review Options' in Quiz settings
Forum Hidden Grade visible Grade visible
Video Assignment Hidden Grade visible Grade visible


The University of Massachusetts Amherst have produced a really great guide going through the different options to review.

If students can view grades for individual graded activities, but not a category total or the course total grade, check totals are set to be visible on the Categories and Items page (Available from Grades in the contextual navigation menu, from the dropdown file select Gradebook Setup ). If these are visible, you will need to change some additional settings.

  1. Select Grades from the Contextual Navigation Menu.
  2. Select Setup tab to open the Gradebook setup.
  3. Select the Module grade settings under Steup from the dropdown menu.
  4. Under User Report, change the Hide totals if they contain hidden items drop-down menu to the appropriate setting.
    • If hidden items are excluded, the total students see will be different from the total seen by the lecturer/course officer in the Grader Report. Staff always see totals calculated from all items, hidden or unhidden.
    • If hidden items are included, students may be able to calculate the hidden items.
  5. Under Overview Report, change the Hide totals if they contain hidden items to the appropriate setting.
  6. Save changes.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License