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Gradebook guide

Explore the Gradebook where Moodle stores and organises students' grades.

Grade Overview Report

Lecturers can view a student's Overview report which displays Module totals across all modules where the Module total is visible and the lecturer is enrolled on the module.

This is a potentially useful feature for Personal Tutors to get an overview of progress of their students.

In order for this report to work, the Module total must be visible and you need to be enrolled as a lecturer on all modules which the student is enrolled on.

  1. Select Grades in the contextual navigation menu above the module name.
  2. Open the drop-down menu on the left of the page. Select Overview report.
  3. Select the name of the student that you want to view a report for from the Select a user drop-down menu.
  4. Where visible you will be able to view the student's Module totals across modules you are enrolled on.

Overview report

Grades & feedback report

Lecturers can see how students view the Grades & feedback report. This report provides students with an overview of all grades and feedback received within a module.

  1. Select Grades in the contextual navigation menu above the module name.
  2. Open the drop-down menu, select Grades & feedback report.
  3. Open the Select all or one user drop-down menu on the right of the page. Select the student whose grades and feedback you want to review.
  4. You will then be able to see both grades and feedback (including feedback comments, feedback files such as Word documents and feedback left using a rubric).


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License