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Blocks guide

Find out how you can use Blocks to provide additional functionality and content to your module.

About Activities block

The Activities block lists the different activities and resources available in your course (Forums, Quizzes, Assignments, Lessons, etc) and provides links to the index page for each activity or resource. The activities list will grow as you add activities to your module.

This block is added automatically to modules using the Grid format.

The Activities block is not required in modules using City Course Format as the different activities are displayed via the Module dashboard.

Add Activities block

If you change from City Course Format to Grid format or hide the Module dashboard, you will need to enable the Activities block.

  1. Turn Edit mode on.
  2. Open the Block drawer.
  3. Select Add a block. An overlay window opens displaying available blocks.
  4. Select Activities.
  5. The Activities block will be added to the bottom of the Block drawer.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License