You can specify the pages where this block appears and its arrangement in the overall layout.
- Turn Edit mode on.
- Open the Block drawer on the right of the page.

- Locate the Block you want to move.
- Select the cog icon on top of the block you want to adjust the layout settings for and select Configure.
The options for layout of all Blocks are:
- Original block location: Block displays on page where the block was created.
- Display of page types: This lets you specify the pages where the block appears. The drop-down menu gives you options to display the block on any page, any course page or any type of course main page. These options will help you set up a general layout for all your modules with most commonly used blocks like calendars. They will also help you differentiate and limit the course-specific blocks only on the corresponding course pages.
- Default region: Do not change. All blocks should default to the right of the screen.
- Default weight. Lets you give priority to different blocks over other blocks, and make them appear on top by default. You can specify the Default Weight from -10(first) to 10(last).
Current page-specific options for arrangement can also be changed. This includes Visibility, region and weight