You can only add one file to Moodle at a time using this method of adding a file. All subsequent files will be ignored.
Before you store files on your personal external repositories, please refer to the University's guidance on safe data handling. Data owned by City St George's must only be stored or processed on University supplied and / or approved IT systems and third party services. Some examples of unapproved systems include: Personal USB sticks / hard drives, Google documents, Dropbox . These alternative systems should only be used by students to upload files for assignment submissions.
You can quickly add multiple files to your module as long as they are saved within the same folder on your computer. Alternatively if you want to display the files in a Folder on your module, review the Create Folder guidance.
Please note that the new version of the file needs to have the same name as the file you are updating.
You cannot drag and drop an updated file onto your module homepage. This will just create a copy of the file on your module homepage.
You can reuse a file between different modules and set a master file. If you overwrite the master file the changes are reflected in any linked files.
If you can't find the file by searching for it, you can search for the module in which the file is located and then navigate to the file. Follow to step 8 as above and then:
You may wish to consider disabling the alternative format for a specific file if:
When students select the alternative format icon to download the content in a different format they will receive a message that The alternative formats for this file have been disabled.
You can re-enable alternative formats if required.