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Create content guide

Overview of the popular resource types that you can create to present content to students.

About folders

Folders are a resource type to organise related content on the module page. A folder may contain sub-folders. Moodle automatically orders files in folders alphabetically. 

Create a Folder options

If you already have a folder of files saved on your computer that you would like to display on your module, there are two methods to upload these to Moodle.

  1. Upload a zip and display files within a Folder (Requires you to create a zip folder on your computer)
  2. Upload multiple files and display as a Folder.

Create a Folder

  1. To upload a folder of files from your computer to Moodle, you must first zip the folder. The method of doing this will depend on your computer and operating system.
  1. Resize your file explorer screen and the Moodle module so that you can see both screens.
  2. Turn Edit mode on.
  3. Open the relevant section of the module.
  4. Drag and drop the zip folder from your computer into the open section where you'd like it to display.

  1. Choose Unzip files and create folder and select Upload.

  1. If necessary, edit the title of the folder by selecting the pencil icon alongside the Folder and selecting Enter on your keyboard.
  2. Open the folder resource and select Edit to add/delete files and folder.


  1. Turn Edit mode on.
  2. Open the section where you want your folder to display.
  3. Select +Add an activity or resource
  4. Choose Folder from the Resources tab.
  5. Give your Folder a meaningful Name.
  6. Add a Description to provide some information on what the Folder contains. You have the option of displaying this Description on the module homepage via the checkbox.

Name folder

  1. Scroll down to the Content settings. You have the option of creating sub-folders.
  2. Select the folder icon to create sub-folders if required.
  3. Give your sub-folder a title. Select Create folder.
  4. Complete these steps for each sub-folder you want to create.

Create subfolder

  1. If you are using sub-folders, open the sub-folder where you want the documents to be located.
  2. Open Windows Explorer (Right mouse click on Start and select Windows Explorer) in your Windows PC or Finder for Mac.
  3. Resize the explorer/finder window, so that the Moodle module on the browser is visible
  4. Navigate to the folder on your computer that contains the files you want to add.
  5. Select the files. You can do this is a number of ways on a Windows computer:
    • CTRL + A to select all files.
    • Click and drag a box around the files by holding the left mouse button as you do this
    • Click the first file then while holding Shift, click the last file or folder.
    • When you want to choose specific files, hold the CTRL key and use the mouse to select the different files
    • Once selected drag and drop the file selection into the Content area. The files display alphabetically and the order of these cannot be changed.

Add files to folder

  1. Folder views: on separate page; inline; show subfolders, show downloadChoose a Display folder contents option:
    • On a separate page: Select this option if you want to display the link to the folder on the module homepage.
    • Inline on a course page: Select this option if you want to display the content of the folder on the module homepage. If you want to generate logs for inline files remember to check the Show download folder button.
    • Show subfolders expanded setting: Tick the checkbox if you want to display the content of any sub-folder. Leave unchecked if you want any sub-folder to be clicked by users to expand
    • Show download folder button: If checked, a button will be displayed allowing the contents of the folder to be downloaded as a zip file.
  1. Select Save and return to module to save your settings and review how the folder displays on your module page.

Disable alternative formats

You may wish to consider disabling the alternative format for a specific file if:

  • the alternative format(s) is known to be incorrect.
  • reviewing the content in a different format may reveal the answer to an activity that students are required to undertake while studying the content.
  1. Alternative format icon highlighted alongside fileSelect the alternative formats icon alongside the accessibility score indicator that appears next to the file resource. 
  2. Select the down arrow that appears on the Download alternative formats overlay window. Select Disable alternative formats for this file.

  3. Select the x icon on the top right of the overlay to return to the module page.
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 for any other files for which you want to disable alternative formats.

When students select the alternative format icon to download the content in a different format they will receive a message that The alternative formats for this file have been disabled.

Re-enable alternative formats for a file

You can re-enable alternative formats if required.

  1. Select the alternative formats icon alongside the file.
  2. An overlay will display. Select the Enable for this file button.

  3. The alternative formats will display. Select the x in the top right to close the overlay and return to the module page.
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 for each file where you want to re-enable alternative formats.
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