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Create content guide

Overview of the popular resource types that you can create to present content to students.

About text editor

The text editor enables you to add content (eg text, weblinks, images and media), to your module. If you've used a word processor such as Microsoft Word™ or Open Office™, then most of the functionality will be familiar to you. You use the text editor to create content types including:

  • Upload image
  • Book
  • Page

You will also use the text editor when writing the Description for all the content types.

Text typed into the editor is automatically saved every 60 seconds. If your web browser crashes or you accidentally leave the edit screen, the text in the editor will be restored next time you open the page. Remember to Save on a regular basis so you do not get timed out of Moodle.

You can use Undo and Redo if you change your mind about any edit that you have made.

When developing your Moodle module, ensure the structure of your module and the design of your content is accessible. When using the text editor on Moodle, remember to add Alternative Text to your images and to use the accessibility checker within the editor before making your content live to students.

Avoid copy & paste

To paste your text into the text editor, you need to remove the formatting by copying the text into Notepad. Once copied into Notepad you can copy and paste the text into the text editor.

Format text overview

The first row of the text editor provides access to the following buttons:

  • styling icons
  • Undo and redo
  • Ordered and unordered lists
  • Link and unlink
  • Accessibility checker and screen reader
  • Add media and manage files 

Selecting the Show more icon - the first icon on the left of the toolbar - displays another row of functionality.

The second row of the text editor provides access to the following buttons: 

  • Add media and manage files
  • Add HTML and emojis
  • Underline, strike through, subscript and superscript
  • Alignment
  • Indent and outdent
  • Insert a math equation and chemistry formula, equation editor, insert character, insert table, and clear formatting. 


Below is an outline of the icons that are specific to the Moodle text editor, that you may not have come across before.

We recommend that you add audio and video files using the Video resource as this ensures that your media content can be accessed across a wide range of devices.

Select the A icon to add a paragraph style from the available options:

  • Heading (large)
  • Heading (medium)
  • Heading (small)
  • Pre-formatted
  • Paragraph



Select the Styles icon to draw student's attention to key information on a module page. Styles menu opened and Important and To do styles displaying

Styles available include:

  • Important text
  • To do

Select the add image icon to browse for and insert an image from your computer. Remember to add alternative text to your images to make them accessible to screenreader users.

Select the Kaltura icon to embed video from your MediaSpace library.

Select the Echo icon to embed a Lecture Capture recording into a section of your module from your Echo360 library.

H5P logoSelect the H5P icon to upload an H5P interactive activity.

Select the insert character icon to insert a character (e.g. copyright symbol or accented letter).

Select the crossed-arrow icon to toggle to full-screen mode.

Select the accessibility icon to check the accessibility of content added to your text editor. This is a good way  to test if there is sufficient contrast between text in the foreground and the background colour.

Select the video icon to link to audio or video file e.g. from YouTube.

Select the record icon to record up to two minutes of video or audio in most areas where the text editor is present. This option is only suitable if you provide a text transcript of your audio/video clip as there's no option to add captions. The file is not downloadable by students.

Select the calculator icon to create equations by selecting operator symbols and to edit equations using TeX. You may find Moodle's TeX guidance useful.

Select the smiley face icon to insert an emoji.

Select the clear formatting icon to remove formatting from text that you have pasted into Moodle.

Select the MathType editor to use a visual editor to insert mathematical formulas in web pages. You may find MathType editor guidance from Moodle docs useful.

Select the screenreader icon to check if your text will work for users using screenreader (a software application that helps people with visual impairments to use a computer).

Use the chemistry formula icon to insert a chemistry formula.

TeX or LaTeX is a way to display mathematical notation such as subscripts, superscripts, fractions, equations and more in Moodle. The use of TeX is particularly useful in Quiz, though TeX can be added to any text editor field in Moodle.

There’s are 3 ways you can add TeX Notation in Moodle.

  1.     MathType editor
  2.     Moodle's equation editor
  3.     Changing the filters

MathType editor

  1. From the text editor, select the Show more icons button.
  2. Press the 'MathType iconand the MathType editor should pop-up on your screen,
  3. You can use the tabs to add integrals, signs, fractions and more.
  4. When you're done, select OK and the string will display in the editor.
  5. To add more to your string, follow steps 3-4 as required.

Text equation editor

  1. From the text editor, select the 'show more buttons' icon.
  2. Select the equation editor icon.
  3. The equation editor will open in a pop-up and you can use the options to insert symbols, integrals and operators.
  4. Select Save equation and the expression will display in your Quiz question or Label.

You can also use an online TeX generator and copy the code from that into the equation editor.

Changing the filters

  1. Select Settings to open the menu.
  2. Choose Filters.
  3. On the filter settings page:
    • Disable TeX notation.
    • Enable MathJax.
    • Select Save changes.
  4. You can use an online TeX code generator such as CodeCogs to generate the TeX string.
  5. Copy the string inside the box into Moodle’s text box and put two dollar signs in front and at the back of the string.
  6. Select Save and the expression will display in your Quiz question or Label.

Moodle's legacy text editor - TinyMCE can still be activated. We do not recommend that this is used as it enables you add to non-accessible colour contrasts and fonts. If you need to switch it on:

  1. Select the profile icon at the top-right of Moodle.
  2. Choose Preferences.
  3. In the Preferences User account section select Editor preferences
  4. From the drop-down menu choose TinyMCE HTML Editor.
  5. Select Save changes
  6. If you want to revert back to Default editor (Atto) then repeat the above steps selecting Default editor from the drop-down menu.

Guidance on the different formatting functionality of TinyMCE Editor can be found from Moodle docs.

Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License