Restrict access and Activity completion enable you to create a structured and personalised pathway through your module.
In this example, students are required to undertake 4 tasks in a precise order. According to their score in a quiz, the fourth task - a Moodle lesson - is either at a lower or more advanced level. Students must:
- View a page explaining the course
- Post an introductory message in a forum
- Take a quiz
- Move onto a lesson tailored to their performance in the quiz.
How is it done?
- Task 1: The page must be read (or at least viewed) before students can access the forum. In task 1 the activity completion condition is set to 'require view'.
- Task 2: The forum needs to have the restrictions set such that the page Read This First must be marked complete. The 'open' eye icon means the forum restricted until available.
- Task 3: The quiz needs to have the restrictions set such that the forum must be marked complete. The 'crossed out eye' icon means the quiz is completely hidden until a student has posted in the forum:
- The student must get a grade in the quiz for the activity to be complete:
- Task 4 has 2 alternative lessons - either at level 1 (basic) or level 2 (advanced). If the student scores less than 50% in the quiz they do Level 1; if they score more, they do Level 2. In the Level 1 lesson, the restriction is set such that students can only access it if they get under 50% in the quiz:
- The Level 2 lesson has the restriction set such that students can only access it if they get 50% or more: