Activity completion can be set for resources or activities on your module. Depending on the type of activity, there can be different completion requirements. For example, a PowerPoint might have the requirement to require view; a Quiz might have the requirement to require grade while a Forum might have the requirement to require posts/discussions/replies.
To set activity completion, follow the steps below.
This Student must receive a grade setting is available in activities that can be graded (e.g. Quiz, Assignment). When this Activity completion setting is enabled, students must receive a grade to complete this activity. A Quiz would be marked completed as soon as the user submits it as it is normally auto-marked by Moodle.
With this setting, it does not matter how well the student does in the activity. Getting any grade will mark the activity as completed.
Please note that you can only use this setting if grades are immediately visible to students. If you hide the assignment grade item or uncheck all the review options in a Quiz for moderation and to reduce collusion while exams are opened, students will receive a completed or failed status once you or the system adds the grade. While students will not be able to review their grade, they will know if they have passed or failed.
It is possible to distinguish between pass and fail grades so that the a passing grade is required for completion of an assignment.
To set this up, you first need to specify the pass value for the activity.
This setting displays in assignment activities and means that an assignment will be considered as completed once the student has submitted - but before the lecturer has graded the submission.
Activity completion for forums provides three different options to manage completion of the activity.