You can use the Restrict access settings to control the availability of learning materials based on one or more of these condition(s). You may also combine the use of these conditions to add a set of nested restrictions to apply complex logic.
You can use Restrict access settings on individual resources or activities, or on an entire section.
You can use Restrict access with Activity completion to control the availability of learning materials based on:
When you create or edit a resource, activity or section summary, you will be able to enable the Restrict access settings near the end of the settings page. Select the Add restriction... button to display the available conditions.
Groups/Groupings and extensions and resubmissions
Do not use restrict access groups or groupings to manage extensions or resubmissions as students can see which students are members of each group. Instead you need to restrict by email profile field.
Ensure that you hide the Access restrictions when restricting by student profile fields. Access restrictions using profile fields are often used to manage resubmissions and extensions for assessment types that do not have inbuilt workflows to manage these processes e.g. Turnitin assignment and Video assignment.
Hiding the Access restrictions applied, by selecting the eye icon so that it displays with a line through it, ensures that you are not revealing personal information about students to their peers.
The details in the profile field entered must match the details in their student profile exactly. If using the e-mail address, copy the capitalisation e.g. enter the email address as and not as If you are copying and pasting details from the student profile, ensure that you have not copied in any additional spaces. Any mismatches between the student profile and the information entered will stop the student from being able to access the activity.
Remember to update your Restrict access settings on content and activities that are rolled over or imported.